Monday 6 October 2008

an insult to the dead

so i saw that adorable movie everyone's been talking about, nick and norah's infinite playlist, on saturday. i thought it was pretty great, and i would love to read the book. the music was as great as i expected it to be. =]

i guess thats all i really have to say. homecoming is on saturday. i've kind of got a whole lot of shit going on in the week before hand. tomorrow and thursday there's band practice after school, one of those days i have to get a uniform. tomorrow and wednesday before school there's also drumline practice which i have to go to, even though im not a percussionist. also, thursday is the replacement of burning of the v, some fireworks and a little pep rally thing, and parker playhouse. friday morning is student leadership council before school [im so sure i got on the council, they announce it tomorrow and im excitedd], a pep rally at the end of the day that i have to play with the band for, and the homecoming football game after school. saturday is my mom's fashion show [haha! im so happy for her], and then taylor's coming over to get ready for the dance, which is later that night. its a busy fucking week, but i don't have a problem with it. it's not like i've got anything else to do.

but speaking of band, im really really tired of playing the trumpet. i would switch to percussion and play the bells and other auxiliary things like the woodblock and triangle and cowbell and work my way up to the quads and stuff. i honestly would, i want to so badly. but the director [my dad] really needs trumpets who can play well, and there are like ten thousand percussionists already, so there's no way it's going to happen. maybe in a couple years. =/

oh and one more thing. in our science book today for some reason it said george washington's teeth were not made out of wood like everyone thought, but actually made of hippopotamus bone. so everyone was all ugh gross and jared beighley didn't understand so i drew him a picture of a hippopotamus skeleton and sam fischer was all, 'thats what kyle and jareds babies are going to look like' because he's a dummy, and wrote 'kyle + jared = hippos' on it. i'd love to upload it and show it to you guys because it's kind of crazy adorable, but i left it at school. =[


Skippy said...

I heard the music put in Nick in Norah's infinite playlist was something they took a lot of time doing, just because they wanted to be perfect. I can't wait to see it!

ash_a_lily said...

i will never see that until it comes out on dvd and i find time to actually rent the damn thing >=/

haha! baby fat? what was his reply to that one?

i also found some shoes but it took me forever. i still dont have any like accessories or anything. who knows what ill do. even tho im going with other people, i really really wanna hang out with my best friends. you guys are the ones i wanna share the experience with. not some people who only talk to me because my brother is purdy much dating one of them. not that their bad people or anything because they are really nice. but things would be a lot different under different circumstances. so yeah lol i plan on finding you guys there and hanging with you a lot. =]

um...bleh i dont think ill be participating in a lot of the pep things like the game and burning of the v. =/ eh