Friday 23 January 2009

i dont wanna work

so, finals are over. =]
they weren't too bad actually.
the only ones that stressed me out were geometry and science.
but i just checked my grades online and i think i got A's on all of them. hopefully yeah.

but what this post is really about how nonexistent my social life is. aah. ive got things i want to do, like bowling, sledding, just plain old hanging out with kids, and people i want to do these things with too. ive got a lot of friends really, but no one seems to have the time for me, no one really wants to hang out ever. luckily ive got stuff to do this weekend because there's a basketball game and sam's kinda having a party thing afterwards [i think ill be the only girl there haha], plus soccer on sunday and zach, taylor, caleb, and other kids are going to be there, so ill have fun. 

but on a normal weekend i dont have anything to do. like i go shopping with my mom, and occasionally there's a basketball game or i'll hang out with someone, but never on a regular basis. it kinda sucks =/ but, whatever. its just something i'll have to work on.

1 comment:

ash_a_lily said...

god youre lucky if you got A's on all your exams X[

katie, the truth is, it doesn't matter how many friends you have. most normal people dont go out 24/7. not i, not jocelyn or squidney, not most people i know. so dont feel like you dont have a social life just cuz your weekends are free.